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Functions of BSV

The functions can be summarised as:

  •  providing quality advice about industry's training needs
  •  promoting the value of training and a skilled workforce to industry, its enterprises and employees
  •  participating in national industry training advisory structures and their processes
  •  participating in the accreditation of industry-led training programs

In order to fulfill these functions the BSV Board acts as the conduit between industry and Government processes.

BSV is contracted by the Victorian Skills Authority to host 2 Industry Advisory Groups (IAGs): Business Services and related industries and Public Sector, Public Safety, Corrections, Water and Local Government. IAGs will contribute to a stronger and more effective industry voice in Victoria that:

- leads to more strategic and better-targeted interventions to align the training system with industry needs

- ensures that barriers to providing training to meet industry and individual demand can be identified and overcome

- enables Government to address current and future skill shortages and workforce training needs, including the training needs of emerging industries

- promotes training pathways that lead to qualifications, jobs and skills development in the workforce

- ensures that the unique requirements of regional Victoria's economy for quality training and skills are understood and supported. 

©2010 Business Skills Victoria
